Breast Fat Transfer
Before and After Photo Gallery

This is a 30 year-old woman who had small B cup-sized breasts. She was mostly content with
her breast shape and size but wanted her breasts to fill in her bra a little more. She was hoping
for a fuller B cup size. The only issue was she was overall very thin, but that meant I had to go to
multiple sites to harvest enough fat to graft. After finding fat cells from her abdomen, flanks,
lower back and thighs, I transferred 120cc fat cells to the right breast and 100cc to the left
breast. This is her postoperative result after six months from the time of her procedure, and
she is looking fabulous and feeling great about how her breasts fit in her bra.
  • This is a 30 year-old woman who had small B cup-sized breasts. She was mostly content with
her breast shape and size but wanted her breasts to fill in her bra a little more. She was hoping
for a fuller B cup size. The only issue was she was overall very thin, but that meant I had to go to
multiple sites to harvest enough fat to graft. After finding fat cells from her abdomen, flanks,
lower back and thighs, I transferred 120cc fat cells to the right breast and 100cc to the left
breast. This is her postoperative result after six months from the time of her procedure, and
she is looking fabulous and feeling great about how her breasts fit in her bra.
  • This is a 30 year-old woman who had small B cup-sized breasts. She was mostly content with
her breast shape and size but wanted her breasts to fill in her bra a little more. She was hoping
for a fuller B cup size. The only issue was she was overall very thin, but that meant I had to go to
multiple sites to harvest enough fat to graft. After finding fat cells from her abdomen, flanks,
lower back and thighs, I transferred 120cc fat cells to the right breast and 100cc to the left
breast. This is her postoperative result after six months from the time of her procedure, and
she is looking fabulous and feeling great about how her breasts fit in her bra.
  • This is a 30 year-old woman who had small B cup-sized breasts. She was mostly content with
her breast shape and size but wanted her breasts to fill in her bra a little more. She was hoping
for a fuller B cup size. The only issue was she was overall very thin, but that meant I had to go to
multiple sites to harvest enough fat to graft. After finding fat cells from her abdomen, flanks,
lower back and thighs, I transferred 120cc fat cells to the right breast and 100cc to the left
breast. This is her postoperative result after six months from the time of her procedure, and
she is looking fabulous and feeling great about how her breasts fit in her bra.


This is a 35 year-old woman who wanted a natural boost to her breasts without using any
implants. On exam, she had a mild degree of tuberous breasts that resulted in a cone-shaped
breast in the lower pole and less volume in the bottom half of her breast tissue. During the
operation, she had 240cc of fat cells injected into her right breast and 270cc of fat cells into her
left breast. She also underwent liposuction of the axillary fat to restore a more natural breast
shape. At her six-month postoperative visit, she was happy to show off her improved cleavage
and the fuller lower pole of her breasts. The extra volume has also led to a natural lifting effect
of her nipple areolas without a separate lift procedure.
  • This is a 35 year-old woman who wanted a natural boost to her breasts without using any
implants. On exam, she had a mild degree of tuberous breasts that resulted in a cone-shaped
breast in the lower pole and less volume in the bottom half of her breast tissue. During the
operation, she had 240cc of fat cells injected into her right breast and 270cc of fat cells into her
left breast. She also underwent liposuction of the axillary fat to restore a more natural breast
shape. At her six-month postoperative visit, she was happy to show off her improved cleavage
and the fuller lower pole of her breasts. The extra volume has also led to a natural lifting effect
of her nipple areolas without a separate lift procedure.
  • This is a 35 year-old woman who wanted a natural boost to her breasts without using any
implants. On exam, she had a mild degree of tuberous breasts that resulted in a cone-shaped
breast in the lower pole and less volume in the bottom half of her breast tissue. During the
operation, she had 240cc of fat cells injected into her right breast and 270cc of fat cells into her
left breast. She also underwent liposuction of the axillary fat to restore a more natural breast
shape. At her six-month postoperative visit, she was happy to show off her improved cleavage
and the fuller lower pole of her breasts. The extra volume has also led to a natural lifting effect
of her nipple areolas without a separate lift procedure.
  • This is a 35 year-old woman who wanted a natural boost to her breasts without using any
implants. On exam, she had a mild degree of tuberous breasts that resulted in a cone-shaped
breast in the lower pole and less volume in the bottom half of her breast tissue. During the
operation, she had 240cc of fat cells injected into her right breast and 270cc of fat cells into her
left breast. She also underwent liposuction of the axillary fat to restore a more natural breast
shape. At her six-month postoperative visit, she was happy to show off her improved cleavage
and the fuller lower pole of her breasts. The extra volume has also led to a natural lifting effect
of her nipple areolas without a separate lift procedure.


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